Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Star game

Star game 
It is a traditional game.
It is a brain boosting game.
It improves thinking skills.

How to create a game board?
Draw a star and Mark 10 points. 
Counters for the player:
Single player game.
* 9 counters are used by the player.

Place 9 tokens on the star.
(Sounds easy, Right!)

You must follow a set of rules. So pay attention.
1. Place each tokens in 3 steps.
One     Two      Three
2. The step must be in a straight line. 
3. The 1st and 3rd steps must be on empty points. 
4. The middle step can be occupied or empty.

Square game 3

Square game 3

It is a Chinese game.
It is a brain boosting game.
It improves thinking skill.

How to create game board?
Draw according to the picture shown.

Counters for the players:
* 2 counters are used by the players.
* 2 player game.

To block your opponents token.

Move the token to an empty space.
In drop phase, position your tokens one by one. 
In move phase, move the token to an empty space.

Enjoy the game. 

Share the game with your friends and drop a comment below.

Triangle game

Triangle game
It is a game played in olden days.
It is a brain boosting game. 
It improves thinking skill.
How to create a game board?

1.Draw a large isosceles triangle.
2. Draw a horizontal line bisecting the two opposite sides. 
3. Draw a vertical line from the top point to the mid point on the bottom line. 
4. There will be seven points of play where the lines intersect.

Counters for the players:
* 3 counters are used by each player. 
(Counters means coins, beads, stones or anything)
* 2 player game

Objective of the game:

To be the first player to get 3 counters in a row. 
A row can be made horizontally or vertically. 

There are two phases in the game.
1. Drop phase.
2. Move phase.

In drop phase, the player has to keep counters in the board.
Move phase:
After all the tokens have been dropped the move phase begins.
Player one moves one of his tokens to an empty adjacent point according to the following guidelines:
1. A move must be along a straight line. No turning the corner.
2. You may jump one of your opponents token to land in an empty point, as long as you still land in a straight line. 
3. You do not capture your opponent token on a jump. 

The first player who manages to make three in a row wins. 

Enjoy the game. 

Share the game with your friends and drop a comment below.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

4 square game 2

4 Square Game 2 
It is a game played in olden days.
It is a brain boosting game.
It improves thinking skill. 

How to create a game board?
1.Draw a Square.
2. Draw horizontal line, vertical line, cross lines in the opposite directions. 

Counters for the players:
* 3 counters are used by each player. (Counters means coins, beads, stones or anything)
* 2 player game.

Objective of the game:
To be the first player to get 3 counters in a row or straight line. 
A row can be made horizontally or vertically or diagonally.

There are two phases in the game. 
1. Drop phase.
2. Move phase.
In drop phase, the player has to keep counters in the board.

First counter is placed.
Third counter placed.

Move Phase:
In this phase the players has to move the coins. 

After many moves, if a player gets the horizontal/ vertical/ diagonal row filled with three counters then that player is the first player. 
Enjoy the game. 

Share the game with your friends and drop a comment below. 

4 Square Game

4 Square Game
It is a game played in olden days.
It is a brain boosting game.
It improves thinking skill.

How to create a game board?
1.Draw a Square.
2. Draw 1 horizontal line and 1 vertical line.

Counters for the players:
* 3 counters are used by each player. (Counters means coins, beads, stones or anything)
* 2 player game.

Objective of the game:
To be the first player to get 3 counters in a row or straight line. 
A row can be made horizontally or vertically.

There are two phases in the game. 
1. Drop phase.
2. Move phase.
In drop phase, the player has to keep counters in the board.
First counter is placed.
Second counter is placed.
Third counter is placed.
Move Phase:
In this phase the players has to move the coins. 

After many moves, if a player gets the horizontal/ vertical row filled with three counters then that player is the first player. 
Enjoy the game. 

Share the game with your friends and drop a comment below. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Grip Water - Deadly Poisonous Cocktail

Woodwords gripe water ...
for your child .. 
while the company may ridicule by saying its a 150 year old proven safe formula ..but if we peep in carefully in to the history .. gripe water itself is a SCAM and rejected by its originating country USA because it used ALCOHOL which was banned for child consumption ..
so now 10-15 years back the alcohol in woodwards gripe water is replaced by more DEADLY CHEMICAL PRESERVATIVES lets analyze them .

1) BRONOPOL .. it is the most deadly bromine containing chemical used in woodwords gripe water ..
BRONOPOL is never used in edible food anywhere in the world ..
only used in cosmetics and external medication.. it is disinfectant and antimicrobial 
for example  dettol and povidine iodine are NEVER used in food because of their known toxicity if taken internally  ..similary bronopol  cannot be consumed or added to food ..
but thanks to the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA  it has given permission to add bronopol to child medicine !! 

Are indian children used as GUINEA PIGS to see the effect of bronopol in food ??

Bronopol acts by releasing FORMALDEHYDE which is a notorious CARCINOGEN !!(cancer causing substance) 

Bromine present in bronopol acts as  ANTIANDROGEN destroys the testosterone stem cells of male children making them sterile gay transgender after they grow up ..

2) methyl paraben , ethyl propyl parabens..
these chemicals are known for carcinogenesis and human endocrine disruptors and also proven to decrease the male sperm count and motility!! 

3) sodium benzoate  .. same toxic effects as parabens.. 

i can see evil intention in adding triple doses of benzoic gripe water 
( 1 methyl parabenzoic acid 2) propyl parabenzoic acid 3 sodium benzoate  ) paraben is a short form for parabenzoic acid!!
and they never mention the exact amount of chemical preservatives added 
all the chemicals have common poisonous effect.. decreasing male fertility in children  and cancer 
the world elite super rich people have a hidden agenda decrease the world population.. various nefarious methods are used to achieve their goals .. 
they poison the most commonly used food substance ..for example drinking water is poisoned by chlorine in india and other third world countries. .and fluoride is added to drinking water in america and European countries .. bromine is added to mineral water kinley aquafina etc
natural sea salt is poisoned with iodine ..! and now after seeing the ingrediants of gripe water it is clear that even the children are not spared.

Effects of using baby powders for babies

Effect of using baby powders for babies:

The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that baby powder can cause breathing trouble and serious lung damage for babies if they inhale the particles. (And it's hard to keep powder out of the air when you're using it.)

This is especially true of talc-based powders, with their small, easily inhaled particles. But other powders, including cornstarch-based powders, can also be inhaled.

Even small amounts of powder can irritate a baby's tiny lungs – especially if the baby is at high risk for respiratory illness. 

Those at high risk include premature babies, babies with congenital heart disease, or frequent respiratory illnesses.

If your baby isn't at high risk and you decide to use powder, do so sparingly. 

Put the powder on your hands first, away from your baby, not directly on or near her.

Keep the powder container well out of reach of your baby and of any older brothers and sisters, too. 

You don't want small hands to get hold of it or knock it over and produce a cloud of powder that could be inhaled.

To prevent skin irritation, don't allow powder to build up. 

At every diaper change, wash away any powder that may have accumulated, especially in the folds of your baby's skin.

Tearing Paper - Fine Motor Skill

Tearing Paper - Fine Motor Skill

Tearing paper is an amazing fine motor activity for kids.

Tearing paper requires strength and endurance of the small muscles in the hand.

These intrinsic muscles are important in so many fine motor skills, including handwriting and coloring, managing buttons and zippers, manipulating pegs, and more.

When paper is torn, the hands assume a great tripod grasp which is effective and a mature grasp for writing.

The non dominant hand is helping to hold the paper.

If right hand tearing the paper, in the next step allow the left hand to tear the paper. 

Learning Outcome:
1. Fine motor skill
2. Visual motor skill
3. Bilateral coordination
4. Hand eye coordination
5. Concentration skill
6. Sensory skill

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tamil worksheets Uyir Letters

Tamil worksheets uyir letters
Sample worksheets shared 
Pages 68. 
If u r interested plz ping me through mail or by comment 

Math worksheets 0 to 10

Math worksheets 0 to 10 
Sample worksheets

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skill is essential to living and learning.

Fine motor skills develop as our minds and bodies grows.

Fine motor skill  is the coordination of small muscles, in movements usually involving the synchronisation of hands and fingers with the eyes.

 Fine motor skills aid in the growth of intelligence and develop continuously throughout the stages of human development.

Fine motor skills are controlled by the nervous system.

Motor skills are movements and actions of the bone structures.

Motor skills are divided into 
1. Gross motor skills
2. Fine motor skills

 Gross motor skills are involved in movement and coordination of the arms, legs, and other large body parts. 

They involve actions such as running, crawling and swimming. 

Fine motor skills are involved in smaller movements that occur in the wrists, hands, fingers, feet and toes. 

They involve smaller actions such as picking up objects between the thumb and finger, writing carefully, and even blinking.

Motor skill is implemented together to provide coordination.

Fine motor skills aren’t specific learning skills like reading or math are. 

But they directly impact how well kids are able to learn and show what they know. 

For instance, kids need fine motor skills to circle an answer in a bubble on a test or write an essay or response.

Kids need to use fine motor skills to do many school-related tasks. 

These include:

Holding a crayon or pencil

Drawing pictures and writing neatly

Stacking blocks and stringing beads

Using scissors, rulers and other tools

Kids also need fine motor skills to do daily tasks like getting dressed and brushing their teeth.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Dangerous Of Baby Walkers

Dangerous of Baby Walkers 
I know some people use baby walkers to help young children learn to walk.

Is it True?

No, Not at all.

It is very much dangerous for a baby being in Walker.

Walkers won't help your baby walk.

If your baby were occupied in Walker, he/she could be left unwatched for a short period.

Walkers only delay the important milestone activities like
1. Rolling on the floor.
2. Sitting.
3. Crawling.
4. Pulling themselves from down to stand.

When the babies sit and pull themselves up, they are learning how to balance.

But a baby doesn't balance in walker, delaying on learning this important skill.

By sitting in the Walker they use their toes, which tightens their leg muscles, and slow their muscle development.

If baby uses Walker before they learn to walk leads to hip bone imbalance and bend the legs. 

Being in a Walker also means less time on hands, knees in a crawling or pre crawling position. 

This is important to develop weight bearing through both the pelvis and shoulders.

Peeling and Picking seeds - Fine Motor Activity

Peeling and Picking Pomogranate seeds - Fine Motor Activity

Pomegranates are a great alternative to common snacks, such as Cheerios, that caregivers often place in front of their babies at mealtime.  

Not only are they delicious, they also have many nutritional and developmental benefits.

They are jam packed with vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber. 

 Pomegranates are also a great source of antioxidants which are responsible for protecting the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. 

So, clearly pomegranates are nutritious.  

But, how else can eating these tasty, tiny, bright red seeds benefit your little one?  

Picking up the small seeds with their  little fingers will not only work on your child’s fine motor development, but also their hand-eye coordination.

  Once they grasp this concept, try putting the seeds in a small container for your child.  

You’ll be amazed by how much they enjoy taking them out of (and even putting them back in) the container!

  The seeds are great as a counting tool as well.  

Something as simple as taking them out one at a time and saying “1, 2, 3…” is enough to get their little brains working and their vocabulary growing!

Pomegranates are in season during the winter months when other favorite fruits, such as strawberries and blueberries, are not as readily available. 

 And, believe it or not, you don’t have to go through the hassle of peeling and picking out the seeds.

  Of course you can if you would like.  

But for all you caregivers out there that don’t have the patience or the time for that (like myself), you can buy them ready to eat!

Learning Outcome:

1. Fine Motor Skill.
2. Nutritional Snack.
3. Life Skill Development.
4. Practical Hands - on Activity.