The first five years of life are when a child’s brain development is the fastest and when more than 700 neural connections are being formed every single second.
Positive interaction is essential between children and the adults who care for them.
Every time we connect with children, it’s not just their eyes that light up—it’s their brains, too.
Positive early experiences with adults strengthen the connections that a child builds up and help children to be eager, engaged, and ready for a lifetime of learning.
This is called brain building, which doesn’t require extra money or extra resources.
So, how can you help your children have productive interactions? That’s where Vroom comes in.
Child Brain Development and Building Basics:
Five Brain Building Basics
1. Look
2. Follow
3. Chat
4. Take turns
5. Stretch
Your child should learn from an early age that you are her best advocate and cheerleader.
At the same time, it's your job to keep her safe and healthy by setting reasonable limits.
Mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation guide every interaction.
Even before babies can talk, they’re showing you what they’re interested in.
Look into their eyes, or what catches their eye, and begin to build with your child.
Powerful moments are created when you let children lead the way and you follow by responding to their words, sounds, actions, and ideas.
It may not seem like it, but the sounds and gestures young children make are their way of communicating with you.
So, talk out loud together—even if they can’t talk yet—and keep chatting as your children grow to engage them in learning about the world around them.
Take Turns
Back and forth interactions between you and your child are one of the most important ways to help development.
So be sure to take turns while you’re talking, playing, or exploring with your children.
Make the moment last longer by building on what your child says, or asking follow-up questions that expand your child’s thinking and learning.
When you stretch the conversation with questions like, “What do you think about that?” or “How does that make you feel?” you’re stretching the building moments as well.
Best article I have read. Very well penned.